Sunday, October 21, 2007

English Phrasal Verbs

Learning phrasal verbs is the thing many of my students like least about studying English. After all, why should the meaning of a verb be changed by the addition of a preposition, an adverb or a phrase? Why can't a verb like pick (to choose) remain single instead of being mated with other words to give birth to pick up and pick on? Aren't the words collect and tease good enough?
Sometimes I respond by telling them that as student of Spanish I share their frustration because I have to learn Spanish phrasal verbs. "But," they exclaim, "phrasal verbs do not exist in Spanish!"
Well, there may not be anything called "verbos frasales" in Spanish grammar textbooks, and the Real Academia EspaƱola (the Royal Spanish Academy) may not recognize such a category, but they do indeed exist and I plan on listing some of them here. Fell free to help me by adding ones you come across, either via email or by adding a comment to the most recent post.
Let's see how many we can turn up, or should I just say how many we can find.
Chao amig@s,

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