Saturday, December 12, 2009

Soñar con / pensar en

Thanks Domi for the following addition via e-mail:

I really like Soñar con: "To dream about"

I dream about you every night.
Sueño contigo cada noche.

However, when you're awake you "pensar en" ("to think about")

I think about you every day.
Pienso en ti cada día.



Goggin said...

Hey Carloz,

I like your blog very much. Only yesterday I dreamt up the exact same idea but for English phrasal verbs, so came online to see what was already happening and here you are doing this in Spanish. Great! If I get started perhaps we could link our Blogs?

Best wishes/Un abrazo


Carloz said...

Thanks, Goggin. Keep me posted. Carloz

alanm61 said...

Not sure if this is exactly a phrasal verb but its at least a construction that changes the meaning of the original words. "tener que". Tener means to have que means that, but together they are the equivelent to the English modal "must"..... "tengo que ir el medico", I must go to the doctors, "tienes que estudiar más" you must study more....

Carloz said...

Hi Alan,

In English adding "to" after the verb "have" changes its meaning, and in Spanish adding "que" after "tener" does the same thing. However, technically "have to" is considered a "modal verb of necessity" rather than a "phrasal verb," because it must be followed by another verb, and can't stand alone, i.e., one has to DO something. Still, for this blog, which is really only loosely about phrasal verbs, it's a good addition. So, thanks!


Carloz said...

P.S. RE: "have to" and "tener que" -- we could call them "phrasal modal verbs." ;-)

Matt said...

"Echar a" is a blatent phrasal verb, just as notorious as the English ones.

It means to begin to do something. I think it implys spontaneity.

Él echa a bailar...
He begins to dance...

Echó a reir
He burst out laughing.

Carloz said...

Thanks, Matt. Yes, that definitely works like a phrasal verb.

Matt said...



I usually encounter something new every day in my Spanish classes.

For now I'll leave with "dar con"
It translates to the english phrasal verb "come across".

Are you still studying Spanish?
How about Catalan? :P

Carloz said...

Hello again, Matt, I'm still learning Spanish, but through life, not by taking a class. I'm not studying Catalan.